Pandemics bringing new customers means new competition, legacy wholesalers will be difficult to survive.

19 February 2021

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, resulting in fundamental changes in how a business operates and the value they deliver to their customers.

Digital Transformation Is Not Only About Technology It‘s 100% client-orientated business model and there are no easy ways to achieve these goals, Only the complexity of methodology, procedures, and sales tools can provide the right way to be the market leader.

The Futility of Price Wars. Slashing prices usually lower profits for all incumbents without driving the low-cost entrant out of business.  When businesses finally realize they can’t win a price war with low-cost players, they try to differentiate their products in a last-ditch attempt at coexistence.

To reach the targeted goals it‘s not enough to use the right tools, most of all you should be at the right place at the right time and use all your knowledge to take care of your customer.